August 07, 2014

Kick Start your Strength Training Program

Have you been thinking about starting a fitter and healthier lifestyle this year but don't know where to start? Are you looking to improve your sports performance and strength? Curious what strength training is all about?

If you answer is yes to any of the above, then this will definitely interest you.

In collaboration with The Vanguard Strength & Conditioning, Standard Issue is offering a special promotion to our customers to kick start their journey to a fitter and stronger body through strength training.

Any purchase from Standard Issue online store between now until 31 March 2015 will be entitled to sign up for the Basics Course at The Vanguard Strength & Conditioning at a special price of RM120 only (instead of RM200).

This course is tailored for beginners and those who are relatively new to fitness and strength training. Over 3 classes, individuals will learn the fundamentals of strength exercises and general movements such as Deadlifts, Kettlebell Swings, Overhead Presses and Squats.

There are limited slots available. So, what are you waiting for!

Contact us at to find out more or visit for further details.

Let's get stronger!